Huy Minh Ha

Software development, Tech and other stuff

Thu 06 July 2017

Unity Prefab Best Practices

Posted by Ha.Minh in Unity   

Link prefabs to prefabs; do not link instances to instances This is from 50 Tips for Working with Unity

Use GameObject.Find to establish links between instances if you have to. It's best to not having to establish links between instances and use prebabs instead. Don't link instance to instance like this article suggests (

Apart from UI component, refrain from using GameObject.Find because there are many better alternatives such as using interfaces, dependency injection, design patterns and so on.

Use Editor script to warn you of missing links in the Editor like this one: However, it will not work when you use the same prefab for multiple gameplay modes, each with its own set of required component. In that case, you will have to use inheritance or duplicate code in a new component.

Remove prefab links from scene object (


