Huy Minh Ha

Software development, Tech and other stuff

Sun 04 December 2016

Understanding Reactive

Posted by Ha.Minh in Programming   

Reactive tutorials and manual

The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing Best introduction tutorial to Reactive Programming

Introduction to Rx This book aims to teach you:

  • about the new types that Rx will provide
  • about the extension methods and how to use them
  • how to manage subscriptions to "sequences" of data
  • how to visualize "sequences" of data and sketch your solution before coding it
  • how to deal with concurrency to your advantage and avoid common pitfalls
  • how to compose, aggregate and transform streams
  • how to test your Rx code
  • some guidance on best practices when using Rx.

ReactiveX The home of ReactiveX. Introduction, All operators are illustrated with graphical marble diagrams, there makes easy to understand

Reactive Design Patterns

Reactive Design Patterns by Dr. Roland Kuhn: leader of Typesafe’s Akka project, and coauthor of the book Reactive Design Patterns and the Reactive Manifesto. Roland highlighted the importance of making reactive software: of considering responsiveness, maintainability, elasticity and scalability from the outset of development. He explored several architecture elements that are commonly found in reactive systems, such as the circuit breaker, various replication techniques, and flow control protocols. These patterns are language-agnostic and also independent of the abundant choice of reactive programming frameworks and libraries.

Reactive Design Patterns by Roland Kuhn and Jamie Allen

Reactive usecases

Bacon.js introduces FRP concepts and benefits with Bacon.js, an FRP library for both browsers and server-side JS

Immutability, interactivity & JavaScript Surprisingly the high performance mutation available in modern JavaScript engines is a great foundation for building high performance immutable collections. Even more surprisingly efficient immutable collections permit new ways of approaching user interface programming. While the details will be in Om, an immutable user interface toolkit written in ClojureScript over Facebook's React, the talk will be primarily focused on high level concepts easily ported to JavaScript. We'll dive in and see how trees of JavaScript arrays can permit building these efficient immutable collections. Then we'll see how embracing immutable values dramatically simplifies some classic hard problems in client side programming including but not limited to undo, error playback, and online/offline synchronization.

What does it mean to be Reactive The inimitable Erik Meijer delivering his opening keynote to React 2014

