Huy Minh Ha

Software development, Tech and other stuff

Mon 08 May 2017

Introducing UAsync

Posted by Ha.Minh in Unity   

Nowadays, if you want to use a structured way for your flow control in Unity, you basically have 4 options:

  • Write your own Task library (which might use coroutines)
  • Use coroutines. This means that you StartCoroutine in a lot of places and insert try catch code when errors occur. This ...


Tue 25 April 2017

Using Unity Assert

Posted by Ha.Minh in Unity   

Even though Unity's UnityEngine.Assertions is great, it has two major disadvantages

  • We cannot extend it
  • It does not have the concept of error code. Using error code, we can force developers to explicitly think about how they will categorize the error so it's easier to analyze the ...


Thu 09 March 2017

Unity Mesh Morphing

Posted by Ha.Minh in Unity   

There are several ways to do mesh morphing in Unity.

One way is to use a commercial plugins like Megafier

You can use a simple script to do mesh morphing as well: Remember to make all your mesh have the same number of vertices.


Fri 24 February 2017

Unity Object Pooling

Posted by Ha.Minh in Unity   

An object pool provides an efficient way to reuse objects, and thus keep the memory foot print of all dynamically created objects within fixed bounds. This is crucial for maintianing consistent framerates in realtime games (especially on mobile), as frequent garbage collection spikes would likley lead to inconsistent performance.

Implementing ...


Thu 02 February 2017

Better Unity workflow with command line

Posted by Ha.Minh in Unity   

To do certain tasks for our game workflow, we will need to use other external tools that can only called from the command line. One way to do this is to switch back and forth between Unity and the command line, obviously this is not the best way. Our goal ...