Listing file and folder sizes


You want to print the sizes of all files and folders in the current folder from largest to smallest


We simply run du command on each file and folder in the current folder then sort them using sort

    ls -A | awk '{system("du -sm \""$0"\"")}'| sort -nr | head

To list only folders

    ls -Al \
    | egrep '^d' \
    | awk '{printf $9; for (x=10; x <= NF; x  ) {printf " "$x;}; print ""}' \
    | awk '{system("du -sh \""$0"\"")}'

To list only files

    ls -Al | egrep -v '^d' \
    | awk '{printf $9; for (x=10; x <= NF; x  ){printf " "$x;}; print ""}' \
    | awk '{system("du -sh \""$0"\"")}'


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